Chased Through Time

Paul Millard’s Time Travel Chronicles III:

Chased through Time


The half-dressed prostitutes, both male and female, the persistent barkers, and the buskers all beckoned for our business. Packs of dogs fed on murdered corpses. The well-guarded, immaculately dressed tourists from Beau Monde, proud to have been born into wealth and decadence, scornful of those who weren’t, came down from their protected perches in the guarded city to witness the desperate, the dying, and the unkempt survivors. They came to watch in amazement at their torment, to remind themselves how superior they were to be here with their well-armed, white-clad police protection.

War has arrived

The end is closer than you think 

The The Grand Finale of this epic trilogy, Paul Millard races through time to keep one step ahead of assassins intent on keeping him from disrupting their plans to eliminate all remaining humans and take over planet earth.